The Bold Strategy to Empower American Exceptionalism

Anton Krutz
3 min readSep 26, 2017


Ever since a 19th century writer described America as “exceptional”, scholars and politicians have constantly referred to ‘American Exceptionalism’ in one form or another. All understand intuitively the powerful confluence of American events and resources that have resulted in such a historic impact.

While America has been given a good foundation, in order for American Exceptionalism to become sustainable, a bold strategy must be designed and executed successfully. The following three-step process develops a bold strategy:

1. Define the main challenge.
2. Understand the critical factor within that challenge.
3. Apply organizational strength into the ‘most promising opportunity’ within the critical factor.

This bold strategy is applicable to a structured organization of any size. The following proposal is a bold strategy for the structured organization called America.

First Step: The main challenge for the America is to innovate through the growth of the economy. In turn, the growth of the economy dictates how quickly social and financial systems inside can advance.
Second Step: The critical factor for the growth of the American economy is to have communities continually innovate. In turn, the level of a community’s innovation dictates how quickly the business industry ecosystem outside can advance.
Third Step: The organizational strength of America is its ability to empower and benefit from billions of decentralized and diverse choices being made within communities. Within any one community, a school of U.S. Education (another structured organization) that can develop the creative thinking potential and skill sets of all adolescents is the ‘most promising opportunity’ to which the organizational strength of America should be applied. The reason is that creative skill sets are the core foundation for all adults to be able to innovate.

But this has not happened because American leadership does not understand this bold strategy. Consequently, U.S. Education was not set up to foster innovation but is instead focused on competing with centralized education systems of other countries. But centralized education systems will always be more effective at developing homogenous students that can memorize and regurgitate current information — which is the opposite of innovation. So the counter productive focus of U.S. Education actually has the result of flipping the organizational strength of America into a weakness.

LED accelerator would change this backward dynamic for U.S. Education and leverage the organizational strength of America. LED accelerator is a proposed dual system within U.S. Education that will foster high-level creative thinkers along with skill sets that can ultimately develop breakthrough innovators.

LED accelerator shares the goals of other dual systems like Xerox, PARC, DARPA and Google X that were created to be vertically intensive within their respective parent organization. The difference is that malleable brains of students in this system are simultaneously being wired for adaptive algorithms by their experiences. LED accelerator students will collaborate and compete while using tools that exist in the current world to manifest the products and services they intuitively see existing in the future world. The hyper competitive students within each decentralized school district will continually adopt best practices to evolve their culture while striving to pursue breakthrough projects.

Continually changing outcomes will provide for evidence-based data for educators on what aspects of LED accelerator can be implemented in the general education curriculum. The internal impetus of LED accelerator will therefore continually advance the entire U.S. Education system alongside evolving social, economic and government needs.

LED accelerator is therefore not just another education program. It is the missing piece that completes the bold strategy to empower American Exceptionalism to lead the world.

Full proposal and analysis for LED accelerator is found at:



Anton Krutz
Anton Krutz

Written by Anton Krutz

Entrepreneur, Luthier, Thought Pioneer

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