The Bold Strategy To Transform U.S. Education Into America’s Most Promising Opportunity
The following three-step process develops a bold strategy for any large organization:
- Define the main challenge.
- Understand the critical factor within that challenge.
- Apply organizational strength into the ‘most promising opportunity’ within the critical factor.
So let’s use this process to develop a bold strategy for a large organization called America.
First Step:
The main challenge for America is to grow its economy.
Second Step:
The critical factor for the growth of the American economy is having communities be the vehicles, along with their companies that are the internal engines, to continually innovate. (In turn, that innovation level will dictate how quickly the adjacent government and financial systems are forced to evolve).
Third Step:
The organizational strength of America is its ability to empower and then benefit from trillions of internal decentralized, diverse and competing choices being made within communities. The ‘most promising opportunity’ within any one community is a school of U.S. Education that needs to produce individuals with evolving skill sets to continually foster innovation. So America’s organizational strength should be applied to its most promising opportunity. That is to achieve an outcome of U.S. Education, as a whole, benefiting from its own internal decentralized, diverse and competing choices.
But this has not happened because American leadership has failed to understand their role within the bold strategy. Consequently, U.S. Education is not set up to foster innovation skill sets but is instead focused on copying centralized education systems of other countries. But other centralized education systems will always seem more successful because they are more effective at developing homogenous students that can memorize and regurgitate current information — which is the opposite of achieving an innovation skill set. So the counter productive focus of U.S. Education actually has the result of negating America’s organizational strength and turning its most promising opportunity into its greatest weakness.
But this failure can be overcome with a breakthrough solution. That solution is to implement a system that will be the internal engine that continually advances and innovates the vehicle of U.S. Education. LED accelerator
( ) would achieve this result by being a dual system within U.S. Education that will develop high-level creative thinkers. LED accelerator, which stands for Leadership Empowering Diversity, shares the goals of other dual systems like Xerox, PARC, DARPA and Google X that were created to be vertically intensive within their respective parent organization. The difference with LED accelerator is that malleable brains of the selected gifted students are going to be continuously wired for adaptive algorithms by their experiences. LED accelerator students will collaborate and compete using tools that exist in the current world to manifest the products and services they intuitively see existing in the future world. This is a process of intentionally developing our future breakthrough innovators and adult leaders. This dual system will be sustainable because the hyper competitive student teams, within each LED accelerator school district, will continually adopt best practices, learning strategies and interactive culture from the decentralized, diverse and competing choices the student teams will be making.
In turn, the continually changing curriculum and team achievement results will provide for educators and administrators the evidence-based data on which aspects of LED accelerator can be scaled and implemented in U.S. Education, the parent organization. So internally generated evidence-based data of LED accelerator will be the impetus to continually innovate the entire U.S. Education system ahead of evolving needs of American communities.
Full documentation on this paradigm is found at: